Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alternative Treatment For Nose Problems

The nose produces extra mucus when there is infection in order to expel it from the body; the runny nose in a cold is a sign that your body's defense system is in good working order.

Sneezes are a noisy expulsion of air and irritants from the nose, often a result of viral infection or allergy.

Yoga There2 are various yoga exercises, including rapid ahdominal breathing, and breathing and stretching, that can alleviate nasal allergy. Cleaning the nose in the yogic tradition will help: fill a long-spouted pot with lightly salted warm water and, tilting the head, insert the spout into one nostril and pour water slowly until it comes out of the other nostril. Repeat on the other side.

A cough, blocked or runny nose, "chestiness" caused by a discharge of thick mucus from the lining of the throat, are all symptoms of catarrh.

Herbal Medicine Use a gargle made from a teaspoonful of salt dissolved in warm water, or a drop of cedarwood oil in half a cup of water.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Homeopathy Treatment would be constitutional, but specifics may include Arsenicum iod. 6c, Graphites, 6c; Hydrastis 6c; Kali bich. 6c; Natrum mur., 6c; Sanguinaria 6c; Calcarea 6c; Sulfur 6c, and Pulsatilla 6c.

Sinusitis involves a headache; painful, stuffy nose; and thick nasal discharge. It is caused by inflammation of one or more of the seven bony cavities (sinuses) at the front of the skull.

Diet And Nutrition Persistent attacks may be caused by a food allergy. Supplements of vitamin C and B complex, zinc, and iron are recommended.

Herbal Medicine Use a steam inhalation made from aromatic oils such as eucalyptus or pine, and gently massage the bridge of the nose.

Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:
Homeopathy Specific remedies may include Kali bich. 6, Silica 6c, Hepar sulf. 6c, Pulsatilla 6c, Belladonna 30c.
AcupunctureThis treatment assigns the condition to a deficiency of chi (the flow of energy) in the Lung.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Herbal Treatment for Women's Problems

The Female reproductive system consists of the uterus (womb), a muscular pear-shaped expandable organ about 3in/7.5cm long and 2in/5cm wide, two ovaries (connected to the uterus by the Fallopian tubes), and the cervix, which joins the lower end of the uterus to the top end of the vagina.

The system is activated by hormones in the bloodstream. These are produced by the pituitary, a tiny gland at the base of the brain. Their output is controlled by a different part of the brain, the hypothalamus. During a woman's menstrual cycle the ovaries produce the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone in varying amounts, and small amounts of testosterone and other male hormones. These hormones do not work in isolation: estrogen, for example, works with testosterone to give a woman her sex drive. Estrogen and progesterone are responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle during a woman's reproductive life, her female characteristics, and her sex drive and fertility. If she becomes pregnant, these hormones enable the womb to support the growing baby by making the endometrium (lining of the womb) thick and rich with tiny blood vessels.

Hormones enable the ovaries to release an egg each month for possible fertilization. If sperm are present, the egg is fertilized in the Fallopian tube and passes down into the uterus, where it attaches itself to the endometrium and grows. If the egg is not fertilized. the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall, the endometrium shrinks because there are no hormones to support it, and the uterus expels this and the unfertilized egg as a menstrual period. The whole cycle then starts up all over again.

Most women have around 400 menstrual periods throughout their lives. Although the level of hormones fluctuates throughout each cycle, it is essential that the balance is correct, for even the smallest imbalance can cause menstrual disorders, or even infertility. Many problems associated with the menopause are due to the diminishing levels of hormones.
