Thursday, October 30, 2008

Types of Chinese Herbal Products

Chinese herbal products have been around and in use for centuries. According to ancient Chinese history, the first herbalist was Shennong. Shennong is considered to be a mythical person who supposedly tasted many herbs and passed his knowledge onto of both medicinal and poisonous plants onto the people of the land.

From Shennong, the first Chinese book on pharmacology, the Shennong Emperor's Classic of Materia Medica, lists over 365 medicines of which 252 are herbs. This book dates back all the way to the first century.

Needless to say, these products have been used for generations to help those who are afflicted with many ailments. If a person knows anything about these products, they can overcome almost anything.

One ailment that many people in today's world are trying every way possible to stop is premature aging. This can be seen in wrinkles that suddenly appear out of nowhere, or hair that begins to grey with the morning light.

Chinese herbs for hair can help to not only slow down the appearance of random grey hairs, but they can also help with the premature aging process. One Chinese herb that is known for just these properties is Fo-Ti.

Fo-Ti is believed to be able to help a person to increase their longevity, and this can only be seen as a positive step for anyone.

Other Chinese herbal products that are desired are those that promote weight loss. Weight loss herbal products are hot on the retail market today.
One of the best ways to help with weight loss by using herbs is to find a supplement that has the hawthorn root in it. Hawthorn or crataegus, has been used in Chinese medicine to help aid in digestion.

This can also help to shed those last few pounds that plague so many individuals. A person can buy herbal products at the local discount store that have the hawthorn root extract in them and this will help to promote weight loss.

A benefit that hawthorn also gives the individual is lowering blood pressure and it can also help to treat some heart ailments. A person should consult a practitioner before using the hawthorn root to help with their ailments.

Such products are a wonderful alternative to conventional medicine. With the use of Chinese herbs, a person is continuing an age old tradition that started in the first century.
With the advancement of technology today, a person can find all they need to know by doing a search on the internet for the right herbal product to help with their ailment.
Source: Mike_Selvon

Heart Burn Treatment

Heart burn is a common digestive complaint. You may choose a burn heart medicine or burn heart treatment of the prescription variety, over the counter or an herbal remedy. Depending on your symptoms and the frequency of flare-ups it may be wise to see your doctor. Occasional heart burn can be treated with an over the counter antacid product or an herbal remedy, if you prefer. Most of the highly advertised prescription drugs are for those who suffer from heart burn several times per week and are seeking an effective burn heart treatment.

Heart burn is a burning sensation in the throat or chest. It is caused by excess acid rising up out of the stomach where it “burns” the lower throat or esophagus. An effective burn heart medicine will neutralize the acid and/or relieve the symptoms. People who have heartburn frequently may want to investigate dietary or lifestyle changes. There is also an herbal burn heart medicine that has been shown to relieve the symptoms of chronic heartburn.

This product generally takes several weeks to reduce the number of flare-ups. Another herbal burn heart medicine can be used to provide immediate relief from the symptoms of heart burn. This burn heart treatment contains fennel, mint oil and a combination of other traditional herbs used to counteract the effects of heart burn.

Reducing the number of acidic foods in the diet may reduce the frequency of heart burn. Foods like tomatoes, citrus fruits, fried foods and even chocolate may cause flare ups. Before you seek a burn heart medicine for chronic heartburn, you may want to take a look at your diet. By keeping a food diary, you may be able to identify the foods to which you are particularly sensitive, especially, if you only have heartburn occasionally.

An effective burn heart treatment program should include a look at lifestyle as well as a burn heart medicine for immediate relief. Prevention is the goal. Most people who suffer from chronic heartburn find that eating smaller meals every few hours is less likely to cause problems than eating a large meal once or twice per day. Dieticians also recommend this type of eating plan for those that need to lose weight. Overweight individuals are more likely to suffer from frequent heart burn. So, an effective burn heart treatment program may include changing what you eat and how much or how frequently you eat.

Chronic heartburn can be a symptom of more serious health conditions, which is why it is wise to have a physician evaluate your symptoms, before you begin your own burn heart treatment program. However, many doctors will simply write you a prescription for a burn heart medicine. It is wise to read all of the package inserts that come with the prescription drug and report any unusual symptoms to your doctor or pharmacist. One of the popular heartburn medications commonly causes diarrhea or constipation. Most doctors are not familiar with herbal burn heart treatment and many will not suggest lifestyle changes, unless you ask.

Along with the foods that you eat, what you choose to drink can lead to heartburn. Alcohol, coffee, diet sodas, regular sodas and fruit juices may cause heartburn in some people. This is why an effective burn heart treatment program includes recording or at least making a mental note of “when” you have heartburn symptoms. This will help you to identify what changes that you personally need to make and may prevent the need for a burn heart medicine.
Source: Patsy_Hamilton

Herbal Medicines And Problems of the Heart and Blood

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (particularly the arteries) are not only the single biggest cause of death in the modern world, particularly the Western world, but the most preventable.
Together they kill almost as many people as all other diseases together, including cancer, particularly in northern Europe and North America.

Most heart and arterial disease is caused by poor eating and living habits (including smoking), stress, lack of exercise and excess weight. More than half the people who are overweight die of heart disease or related problems such as stroke, for example, while in most Western countries an increasing number of quite young people, even teenagers, are suffering from advanced arterial disease.

Yet both conditions seem to be almost unknown among primitive societies - which is why they are often called "the classic diseases of civilization" and why they are variously estimated to be about 95 percent preventable. Recent research, particularly in the United States, has shown that the same factors that can cause disease can also reverse it if turned around.

Balanced diet, exercise, relaxation, and healthy living generally have now been shown to be capable of unclogging arteries and reenergizing the heart. For this reason, alternative medicine has moved to the forefront in many countries in the treatment of heart and arterial disease, and could become more important than conventional management drugs in the years ahead.
Heart, blood vessels, and blood make up the circulai system, which circulates blood around your body.

Blood carries oxygen from the air to "fuel" the cells, nutrients to feed the body, and other chemicals, such as hormones, essential for the body's function, repair, and maintenance as well as protection against disease.
Poor Circulation

The heart pumps the blood, arteries carry it from the heart, and veins return it to the heart. Normally, the heart pumps about 10pt/51 of blood per minute around the body. However, if the blood flow is restrictead for some reason, circulation is slowed down. Poor circulation occurs mainly in the elderly and most often affects the areas farthest from the heart. Medically the condition is known generally as peripheral ischemia and can result in a wide range of symptoms, from cold hands and feet and cramp, to gangrene in extreme cases, where an area of tissue dies and starts to decay. Poor circulation is usually the result of the combined effect of a less healthy heart and narrowed and hardem arteries, normally as a result of age. Smoking is the most common cause but it can also be a concomitant symptom of diabetes, infection, long exposure to cold.


Treatment should concentrate on stopping smoking and increasing the supply of blood to the area by helping the blood vessels to expand and the heart to pump more effectively. Improvement in the quality of the blood, particularly its red cell count, should also be sought.

Massage This is a good way to stimulate the circulation in any condition. Do not massage directly over injuries (cuts, bruises, or breaks), inflamed veins (phlebitis), varicose veins, or tumors. Alternatives to massage are reflexology and aromatherapy with black pepper and rosemary essential oils.

Hypnosis/Biofeedback Temperature biofeedback training may help to raise the temperature of the extremities.

Diet and Nutrition In addition to a generally healthy diet, eat plenty of oily fish such as mackerel, herring, salmon, and tuna. Food supplements recommended are vitamin A, C, E, selenium, zinc, manganese, and the essential fatty acids EPA and GLA.

Herbal Medicine The following herbs are widely believed to act as tonics on the blood: garlic, hawthorn berries (crataegus), echinacea, ginger, cayenne, chili and black pepper, prickly ash, and hops.
Source: Robin_Brain

Herbal Remedies For Heart Care

Arjuna is a tree that grows wild along riversides in northern plains of India. The bark of this tree is used as a natural heart care remedy. All the people who suffer from heart problems in India have used this herb once in their life time due to its healing benefits for heart. Arjun tree bark contains various natural chemicals like triterpine glycosides like arjunetosides I, II, III, IV, arjunine and arjunetein. The bark is rich in saponnins, natural anti-oxidants (flavonoids-arjunone, arjunolone, leteilin) gallic acid, ellagic acid, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, phytosterols, rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium,zinc and copper. These are all naturally occurring chemicals in the plant, which provide strength to the heart muscle and act as one among the most effective herbal heart care remedies.

These agents are extremely important not only for our heart but also for whole body. It besides from toning up of heart and its allied parts is also very beneficial for healing of wounds and also in improving the blood circulation. These agents also act as anti-aging and anti-oxidants.
There are many herbal remedies and products being made out of the bark of Arjun tree but there is a completely natural product named arjun tea that has gained much acceptance in many countries.

The benefits of this product are as written below.

1 High cholesterol
2 Angina pectoris
3 Blockage of arteries
4 High blood pressure
5 Coronary artery disease
6 Improves blood circulation
7 Natural antioxidant
8 Promotes healing
9 Strengthens cardiovascular system

Arjun tea is a herbal tea that is designed by ayurvedic experts after the great researches in that ancient ayurvedic texts. Arjun tea is composed of three prestigious herbs terminalia Arjuna, inula racemosa and cinnamomum zeylanica. These herbs are one of the finest herbs that are extremely beneficial in supporting the basic life functioning and providing strength to the heart. It is also very helpful in promoting healing. Hence live a great life with arjun tea and give yourself the best of all natural herbal remedies for heart care.
Source: Vikram_Chauhan

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Herbal Remedies For Gas Pain

Everyone at some point or another experiences the onset of abdominal pain. Generally, the causes of abdominal pain are not serious and can be easily diagnosed and treated. However, this type of pain can also be a sign of some serious illness, so it's vital to be able to recognize symptoms that are severe and know when to call your physician.

Flatulence, or flatus, is the medical term for gas or abdominal pain. This pain is caused by the air in the intestine that passes through the rectum, and air that is passed from the digestive tract through the mouth is called commonly called belching. This gas can make you feel bloated or give a feeling of fullness, which may cause cramp-like abdominal pain.

What Causes gas Pain

This unsavory ailment could be caused by any of the following factors such as:

- Eating food that are difficult to digest, like foods rich in fiber.

- Eating food that you cannot tolerate . A good example would be if you have lactose intolerance and consume a lot of dairy products.

- Swallowing air while eating and drinking.

- Malabsorption, wherein the body cannot absorb or digest a particular nutrient properly, often accompanied by diarrhea).

- Irritable bowel syndrome. This is a chronic form of stomach upset that results, or gets worse, with too much stress

Today, there are a many herbal remedies and treatments for gas pain. It is known that some herbs help ease, and relieve gas pain, and these are called carminatives. The aromatic herbs that are considered as carminatives include caraway seeds, dill seeds, fennel seeds, anise seeds, coriander seeds, and cumin seeds.

In preparing a mixture from these aromatic seed,s put a large spoonful in a cup, cover with boiling water for around 5 minutes, and add sugar to sweeten. Here are other herbal remedies for this condition.

- Ginger is a readily available organic gas pain remedy, and this also is a potent carminative. Ginger offers a warming effect to the stomach. In making a tea with powdered ginger, use up to a tablespoon of fresh ginger per cup of water for a stronger brew.

- Peppermint. This herb helps move the intestines and make one feel really awake, much like coffee. It is however not advisable to use peppermint if someone feels nauseated, as this could induce vomiting.

- Licorice. The use of this herb for the treatment of stomach disorders has prompted investigation into the anti-ulcer properties of this herb. The therapeutic effects were described by the ancient physician herbalists, for a variety of health conditions which include throat and upper respiratory irritation, mucous expectoration and gastric disorders.

- Allspice. These are the unripe berries of the pimento evergreen tree, and the name was given because it tastes like a combination of spice cloves, juniper berries, cinnamon and pepper. Allspice is noted to be potent in treating flatulent indigestion. In preparing a mixture, add 1 teaspoon of powdered allspice to a cup of boiled water and drink.
Source: Vanessa_A._Doctor

Heal Your Stomach by Herbs

If you're the type of person who keeps Rolaids in her pocket and Pepto-Bismol in her desk drawer, consider adding herbal teas to your stash. Since what we eat and drink (especially dairy products, sugar, alcohol, and coffee) often triggers gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea, how better to treat these common gastrointestinal problems, herbalists say, than by ingesting herbs that naturally offset the culprits?

Peppermint essential oil contains menthol, a volatile substance that has a direct antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscle of the digestive tract. In addition, the pleasing smell of peppermint tea may help soothe nerves. The ability to calm cramping stomach and intestinal muscles makes it a superb treatment, herbalists say, for symptoms of indigestion including heartburn, gas, stomachache, and the "I ate too much" feeling.

Science is starting to back up some of mint's claims. Patients with chronic indigestion not caused by an ulcer who were treated with an herbal preparation of peppermint oil combined with caraway oil experienced about half as much abdominal pain due to gas as did people who received a placebo.

Peppermint tea allows the entire gastrointestinal system to function more fluidly. But, despite the enthusiastic reports, many doctors say that peppermint can lower the sphincter pressure of the esophagus, actually causing some people to have more heartburn.

Chamomile which is considered to be one of the safest medicinal herbs is frequently recommended as a gentle treatment for common gastrointestinal problems. It relieves flatulence and heartburn by mildly sedating and soothing the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Its natural sedative properties can also help if your digestive discomfort is caused by stress or worry.

Ginger is a carminative and can be used to treat gas, along with its associated bloating and pain. In botanical medicine it's considered a warming herb. It causes the inside of the body to generate more heat. Herbalists say this can help regulate sluggish digestion, though some find this extra warmth uncomfortable and may instead prefer peppermint or chamomile teas. Ginger is effective in treating nausea and vomiting.
Source: John_K_Crawford