Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some Natural Herbs For Treating Women's Health Problems

For many women today they are now looking for more natural and alternative ways for dealing with health problems rather than resorting to manufactured drugs. In this article we will look at some natural herbs which can help with various women's health problems.

1. Dong Quai

This is a portion of the root of the Chinese perennial plant "Angelica Sinesis" and part of the root of the "A. Acutiloba" plant from Japan. Both of these plants have 8 foot long hollow stems which are crowned by umbrella shaped clusters of white flowers. Today in Europe the dong quai is currently being used to treat a variety of symptoms both gynecological and non-gynecological.

It is thought that Dong Quai helps to relieve the symptoms associated with PMS and its reputation as a female tonic is largely due to its ability to lessen the problems associated with PMS. It also helps to regulate a woman's menstrual cycles. There are many women who have been using this herb in order to treat amenorrhea (missing/irregular periods) and hemorrhagic (prolonged, chronic or heavy periods). It is believed that both the antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory actions of this particular herb are responsible for its supposed healing effects on women.

In the traditional treatment methodology of TCM, Dong Quai is considered as the "Queen of Herbs" for women. Any treatment for female problems will most likely be started with it before any other herds, in most cases. It has become such a household item for the average Chinese family that this herb has been made a main ingredient in many a soup recipe.

2. Wild Yam

This plant is actually a perennial vine which has pale brown rhizome and has a thin reddish brown stem that can grow up to 36 feet long. It has large oval leaves which have fine hairs on the bottom side of them and the flowers which appear between June and July are greenish yellow in color. The fruit of this plant is yellowish green and ripens in September and will remain on the vine for some time during the winter months before it withers and falls off.

One of the main benefits it is thought to provide women with is it relieves menstrual cramps, hot flushes and headaches all of which are associated with the menopause. It may provide these benefits because of its estrogen and progestin like properties and it also contains compounds known as sopanins. These compounds are a precursor to the production of estrogen, progesterone and cortisone in the human body. It has also been found that this herb is good for treating not just menstrual cramps but other similar problems as well as digestive problems and irritable bowel syndrome.

As you can see there are a number of different herbs which are readily available for treating women's health problems. But if you want to learn more about any other types of natural treatments then why not carry out a search of the internet today.
Article Source: Dr._Kang-pang_Chan

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