Friday, March 21, 2008

Herbal Remedies – Prevention from Fever

Fever is a good thing. It's your body's attempt to kill off invading bacteria and other nasty organisms that can't survive the heat. The hypothalamus, which is the body's thermostat, senses the assault on the body and turns up the heat much the way you turn up the thermostat when you feel cold. It's a simple defense mechanism, and the sweat that comes with a fever is merely a way to cool the body down.

Small amounts of whole grain bread or biscuits can be taken with milk. Heavy foods that are difficult to digest like fried foods, fast foods, meat, chicken, fish, and raw foods should be completely avoided.

Take 10 grams (one-tablespoon) raisins and 10 grams (one tablespoon) fresh ginger. Crush and put in 200-ml. water for one hour. Boil this decoction till the water reduces to 50 ml. Strain and drink while warm.

Mix the herbs. Place in a quart saucepan. Pour 1/2 pints of distilled boiling water over it. Cover and allow to steep in a hot place for 10 to 15 minutes (do not boil). When ready, strain into another saucepan. Sweeten with honey if desired.This remedy drops high temperature associated with flu quite effectively. In some cases, the temperature has been reduced from 104 to 99 degrees within two hours!! According to Dr. Dr. Edward E. Shook, well known herbalist, "there is no remedy for colds and fevers of any description equal to this simple life-saving formula.
In a bowl mix together 5 capfuls of white vinegar and 2 caps of luke warm water. Soak 2 wash cloths in the mixture then wring out. Wrap the cloths around the lower legs and your temperature will be gone within 5 minutes.

An oatmeal bath is a natural remedy for relieving the Chicken Pox itch. The bath can be prepared by cooking two cups of oatmeal in two liters of water for 15 minutes. This mixture is then put onto a cloth bag made of cotton, with a string tied on to its top. This is allowed to float in a tub of warm water and swished around until water becomes turbid. Care should be taken to ensure that the bag is not torn. Ensure that the water is splashed over all the scalds, but the oatmeal pouch remains in the tub.

Aromatherapy is now often used for relaxation. It should be strongly noted that some of exotic plant extracts in these formulas have been associated with a wide range of skin allergies.

The Pomo tribe boiled the inner root bark, and then drank strong doses of the resulting tea to induce sweating in cases of chills and fever. In the south, the Natchez prepared their fever remedies from the bark of the red willow, while the Alabama and Creek Indians plunged into willow root baths for the same purpose.

A traditional remedy that is said to minimize the effects of hayfever is Nettle Leaf. Researchers believe that it may prevent the body from making inflammatory chemicals known as prostaglandins. At least one German preliminary study found that the capsules made from free-dried leaves had an anti-allergy action in people, additional research can confirm these findings. Nettle is also available in syrup forms such as Napiers Nettle Blend syrup.

About the author:Read about Natural Herbal Home Remedies and Acne Cure Treatments. Also read about Beauty and Makeup Tips

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